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Wolfe Neck

Wolfe Neck exterior surface of mended body sherds, from the Wessel site 18CA21/548.  Wolfe Neck interior surface of mended body sherds, from the Wessel site 18CA21/548. Wolfe Neck body sherd cross-section showing paste, from Wessel site, 18CA21/548.

Mended body sherds. Exterior surface on left, 
interior in middle and paste shot to the right. Wessel site, 18CA21 /548.


Wolfe Neck net-impressed body sherd from Lot# FRC1/38/71/11 - Courtesy of the Delaware State Museums.

Net-impressed body sherd.
Lot # FRC1/38/71/11.
Courtesy of the Delaware State Museums.


Wolfe Neck net-impressed body sherd (exterior surface) from site 18CE114/26.      Wolfe Neck net-impressed body sherd (interior surface) from site 18CE114/26.

Net-impressed body sherd, exterior surface on left, 
 interior on right.  18CE114 /26.


Wolfe Neck body sherd from Conowingo site 18CE14/161.Wolfe Neck cross-section of sherd from Conowingo site 18CE14/161.

Body sherd. Cross-section on right.
 Conowingo, 18CE14 /161.


          Wolfe Neck body sherds from Conowingo site 18CE14/161.

Body sherds. 
Conowingo, 18CE14 /161.


Copyright � 2002 by Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab
Updated: 04/19/16